Saturday 12 July 2014

History of Sarawak, Malaysia


Sarawak is a state in East Malaysia, which is also known as the Land of the Hornbill. Sarawak is a land of rich cultural multi-ethnic indigenous. Sarawak was under the influence of the Brunei Sultanate in the 16th century. Brunei Government is not directly involved in the administration in the state. Local Malay chiefs appointed governing Sarawak. In 1827, the Crown Prince was appointed to rule Sarawak by the Sultan of Brunei. This election resulted in the administration of the local Malay chiefs over.

Map of Sarawak
Map of Sarawak
Rebellion in Sarawak (1836 - 1841)

Malay chiefs and people of Sarawak Dayak opposed the Crown Prince. They are not satisfied with the administration since he took over all administrative duties and authority of the Sarawak Malay chiefs. Crown Prince also controlled the production and trade of antimony and gold. He forced the Bidayuh people working in the mines of antimony without wages.  

He forced the Bidayuh buy goods from the high prices and make your wife Bidayuh slaves when the debt can not be explained. As a result of the rebellion broke out. This rebellion was led by a Malay chiefs Sarawak, Datu Patinggi Ali.Pemberontakan failed defeated by the Crown Prince. In 1837, Pangeran Muda Hashim sent by the Sultan of Brunei to restore the situation in Sarawak but failed. In 1939, James Brooke, a British adventurer reaches of Sarawak to ship Royalist.  

James has promised office of the Governor of Sarawak should be able to preserve Sarawak. He and his forces managed to finish the rebellion in 1841. Sarawak return peacefully on 24 November 1841 and James Brooke was appointed Governor of Sarawak as promised. He is authorized to perform administration in Sarawak as the representative of the Sultan of Brunei.

Appointment is confirmed by the Sultan of Brunei through an agreement signed in 1842. James Brooke agreed to pay $ 2.500 annual tribute to the Sultan of Brunei. Through the agreement, James Brooke recognized as Rajah of Sarawak. In 1846, Sarawak was ceded to James Brooke by the Sultan of Brunei. Sarawak Region covers an area of Tanjung Datu to the area between the river and the Samarahan River Sadong.

Expansion Family Brook's Sarawak  

After becoming King of Sarawak, James Brooke strive to become ruler of Sarawak's independence. He requested naval assistance.

British to strengthen its position. Some Iban and Malay settlements that are considered hazardous destroy. The Crown Prince was forced out of the state. Pangeran Muda Hashim was sent back to Brunei. As a result in 1846, the Sultan of Brunei on sedition palace chiefs tried to eliminate James Brooke.  

Sultan of Brunei was forced to admit James Brooke of Sarawak as an independent ruler. He also handed over the island to James Brooke that is the founder of White reign in Sarawak. He was succeeded by his nephew Charles Brooke (1868-1917). Rajah Vyner Brooke, the last is (1917-1946).
 Charles Brooke Administration

Charles Brooke is the nephew of James Brooke. He took over the administration of Sarawak in 1868. He established the State Council to provide an opportunity for tribal leaders to take part in the administration. Under the administration of Charles Brooke, Sarawak is divided into five parts. A Resident headed each section. They are directly accountable to the Rajah of Sarawak.  

Resident assisted by a local official (Native Officer). Native officers are from the ruling family and is responsible for advising the Resident, collecting taxes and heading the military expedition. Expansion of regional Sarawak also occur during the administration of Charles Brooke. Sarawak Region is extended to other areas of the Baram River, Trusan, Limbang and Lawas.  

Charles Brooke to promote the cultivation of pepper, gambier, sago and rubber and mining of antimony, gold and coal. He also managed to end the practice of slavery and headhunting among the natives. Actions opposed by the Dayaks, but Charles Brooke broke.

Charles Vyner Brooke Administration

Charles Vyner Brooke replace Charles Brooke. He was the third Rajah of Sarawak and last and not so interested ruled Sarawak. While in England, he handed over Sarawak to its officers and local dignitaries.  

On September 24, 1941, to celebrate the 100 years of the Brooke administration in Sarawak, Charles Vyner Brooke introduced a constitution for Sarawak. Charles Vyner Brooke Sarawak government wants to change the system by giving local people more power in state government

Before the introduction of this constitution, the princes of Sarawak's prerogative to legislate and regulate the government. Vyner Brooke give absolute power to the State Council and the Supreme Council. Council of State (Legislative Council) may make laws to ensure the safety.

Region of Brunei
Region Of Brunei

Change in Sarawak Under Brooke  (1841-1941)

The Sarawak government is headed by the Brooke family of James Brooke, Charles Brooke and Charles Vyner Brooke, who was called Raja of Sarawak. Some changes have taken place in the administration. Between 1841 to 1905, James Brooke and Charles Brooke has expanded several regions of the Sultan of Brunei.  

Pepper getting wider. Brook's assisted by the Supreme Council initially staffed by Rajah of Sarawak, First Resident and local dignitaries. The first flag was introduced in the State of Sarawak in 1848 was divided into five regions, namely Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four and Part Five. Each section is governed by a Resident. Resident is assisted by the Assistant Resident, District Officers, Assistant District Officer, Officer and Chief Native Village (Harvest House).

During the Brook's, the traditional ruling system is maintained. Malay chiefs ousted by former Crown Prince reappointment including Datu Patinggi, Datu Temenggong Datu Town and Datu Imam. James Brooke introduced monarchy and through this system the king. Brook's authorities also work to end the practice of headhunting and slavery. A code of laws introduced to protect the security of the state.  

James Brooke eliminate piracy center in Saribas, Rimbas and New Stick in 1850. During the reign of Charles Brooke of Sarawak, he set up the Council of State to provide an opportunity for tribal leaders to take part in the administration. Economic activity in the agricultural sector changed from subsistence farming to agricultural trade.

Economic Change and Economic Changes Society  

When the Brook's, subsistence agriculture has been transformed into agricultural trade. Traditional crops such as pepper, sago and Clove is widely cultivated for export. Sago was grown by the Melanau Mukah and Oya. In the 19th century, sago is one of the major exports of Sarawak. Black pepper is widely grown in the First Division, particularly around Kuching

Many Chinese people from entering Sarawak pepper cultivation, gambir and rubber. Sarawak is the second largest exporter of black pepper world in 1937. Coconut crops cultivated by the Malays in Part One and Two. In 1905, rubber was planted in the state. In the 20th century, rubber is grown by smallholders become the main exports of Sarawak. Another new crop introduced in Sarawak is a crop of tobacco. Tobacco is grown in Lundu. Timber enterprises controlled by the Chinese worked in rural areas and forests along the coast.

Until the 1870s, significant antimony mining on economic development of Sarawak. Antimony and gold is mined in the area near Bau. Coal was mined in Simunjan. In the 20th century, the main mineral mined is petroleum. The search for oil and gas exploration undertaken by the Company of Borneo. In 1910, the first oil well in Miri opened. Oil refined at oil refineries in Lutong. Mining income yielding much to Sarawak. Charles Brooke only allows Borneo Company engaged in agriculture and mining to protect the interests of local residents.


Social change has also occurred in Sarawak as the result of economic development. However, these changes do not take advantage of many local residents. In education, the Brooke administration had introduced the Malay education. Malay primary schools were established but low-quality education. Therefore, education Malays were left. Brooke rule to give aid to the English school. Most of the English school founded by Christian missionaries. The Chinese also established Chinese schools using books and syllabus of the country.


In terms of connectivity, the system of land, water and air in Sarawak also diperbaiki.terutama around Kuching. Kuching City was transformed into a royal city and the administrative center Brooke equipped with basic amenities. The buildings were erected and western feature is considered as a subsidiary of the Singapore port. Roads and railways were also built. Water transport is extended with several shipping companies began service in Kuching. In addition, postal, telegraph and telephone, were introduced. To ensure residents get the proper medical treatment hospitals set up in cities like Kuching and Sibu.

Sarawak Rangers was founded as a measure to ensure the security of Sarawak reserved. Pluralistic society exists in the state following the influx of immigrants. Several new towns like Miri and Sibu developed after the arrival of the Chinese. Sarawak's economy has been dominated by the Chinese. Brooke Kings divide and rule policy to protect the interests of their dynasty. Each race is given a specific role. The Malays are given a key role in the administration. The Iban are given roles in the military. Chinese people can only engage in the economic field...

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