Sunday 13 July 2014

Sarawak Ethnics

 Sarawak Tribal Ethnic

Sarawak who is familiar with the State of "Bumi Kenyalang" have people of the various tribes. There are about 30 ethnic groups in Sarawak. "Iban" ethnic is the largest tribe in Sarawak, followed by Chinese, Malay, Bidayuh, Melanau ethnic groups and others

As a state that has a variety of races and tribes, undoubtedly there are different cultures and customs practiced. For Sarawak society, culture is a tradition that emphasized heritage and obstinate in their daily lives.  

Information related to customs Sarawak ethnic communities in this website will be focused on three main aspects of birth, marriage and death are only refers to the three major tribes in Sarawak, Iban, Melanau and Bidayuh.

Iban ethnic were the majority in Sarawak. There are a number of tribes such as Balau Iban, Sebuyau, Lemanak and others. Iban still hold strongly to their traditional identity while practicing a wide variety of unique customs

Geographically, most of the Iban community living in some remote areas are concentrated in the center of the State and a number of small live in urban areas

Information related to customs and culture practiced by the Iban following will focus on three key aspects of their lives, namely birth, marriage and death.



The Melanau ethnic communities in Sarawak. Melanau generally similar to the Malay community in terms of belief, culture and customs. Thus society is a branch of the Malay community. But regular Melanau culture and customs of their own

This custom is evident in aspects of their lives such as birth, marriage and death. Customs or practices handed down since time immemorial and is still continuing to this day.

Bidayuh ethnic community of Sarawak is mostly inhabit the hills outside the city of Kuching. There are many different tribes among the Bidayuh and holding each practice and customs of their own. Culture and customs are heavily influenced by the elements of ritual and belief that they belong to. 

The following appear relevant Bidayuh customs of birth, marriage and death in a concise and comprehensive.


Sarawak Malay

 Malays constitute 21% of the total community population in Sarawak. Most of them are fishermen. At the present time, many Malays have moved to the cities in which they have been engaged in various professions either in the public or private sector.
Most of the houses in the village of Sarawak Malay mostly made ​​of wood and located on the banks of the river are still far from the city or town. They still rely on traditional industries such as wood carving, silver and make a woven cloth of gold.

Sarawak Malays are Muslims, where Islam was brought to Asia over 1000 years ago. Islam affect the life of the Sarawak Malay community, especially the aspects of culture and the arts. For other aspects of construction, most of the houses or buildings have symbols or characteristics connotations. Similarly, the marriage customs of course Islam.

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